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辽宁小学英语教师资格证面试教案:《What are you going to do》

2021-12-07 10:40:11
【导读】辽宁教师资格网为大家整理准备了小学英语教资面试教案《What are you going to do》可供参考,希望能对考生有所帮助。详情如下:
    一、 Teaching Aims

  Knowledge Aims

  1. Students remember some new words and phrases: magazine, trip, cinema, science, museum; take a trip, read a magazine, go to the cinema and so on.

  2. Students learn to use these words and phrases making sentences.

  3. Students are able to understand the structure of “be going to do”.

  Ability Aims:

  1. Students are able to use the structures of “what are you going to...” and “be going to do…” to communicate with their classmates.

  2. Students are capable to uderstand the listening material.

  Emotional Aims:

  1. Students are able to form a good habit of doing some plannings in advance.

  2. Students are able to make a shedule for their daily life.

  二、 Teaching Key Points

  1. To learn the new words and phrases.

  2. Help the students to master the structures of “what are you going to do” and “be going to do”.

  3. To arouse the students’ interest of listening and speacking.

  4. To form a good habit of making shedule for their daily life.

  三、 Teaching Important Points

  1. To master the structures of “what are you going to do” and “be going to do”.

  2. To improve the students’ listenning and speaking ability.

  四、 Teaching Procedures

  Step 1: lead-in

  1. Greetings

  2. The teacher shows a song, which contians the structure of “be going to do or what are you going to do” to students, and then asks them to have a try to sing it.

  Step 2:pair work

  1. To learn the new words, phrases and the sructures of “what are you going to do” and “be going to do”.

  2. The teacher sends every student a card, which contains the phrases of this part. Then the students are work in pairs and using the phrase they held to communicate with their partners. In a short, the students are asked to make sentences with the structures of “what are you going to do ” and “be going to do” .

  Eg: Student A hold the card with the phrase of “go to the cinema”, student B hold the card with “this evening”, then they can make a dialogue like this:

  Ss A: What are you going to do this evening?

  Ss B: I’m going to the cinema.

  3. According to their performance, the teacher makes a conclusion and then asks the whole class to speak out these sentences loudly.

  Step 3: listening

  1. The teacher plays the tape to the students and asks them to do the Let’s Try part.

  2. Then checks their answers.

  3. And then plays the music, which shows in the Lead-in part and then the teacher teaches students to sing the song.

  Step 4: group work

  1. The students are divided into several groups, and each group contains 4 to 5 students. One student role playing as a tour guide, the other students’ role as the tourists. The tourists ask the tour guide some questions about the schedule of this weekend by using the sentence structures of “What are you going to do…” and “I’m/ you are/ they are/ she is/ he is going to do…” . Then change the roles and play it again.

  2. Have some volunteers to do the role play in the front of the classroom.

  3. Ask the students to write down their group’s dialogues.

  4. Then the teacher evaluates their representations.

  五、 Assignment

  The students should to write a schedule for this weekend.

  六、 Blackboard design


  以上就是辽宁小学英语教师资格证面试教案:《What are you going to do》的全部内容,考生如果想获得更多关于辽宁教师资格证相关资讯,如小学面试试题、报考指南、成绩查询、面试时间以及相关知识,敬请关注我们辽宁教师资格网。


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